varo Contact

Varo Belgium
Varo headquarters are located in Lier, close to the international Port of Antwerp. Besides our offices, you will also find our large distribution centre and our showroom there.
Joseph Van Instraat 9
2500 Lier
+32 (0)3 292 92 90 Product info: Spare parts & repairs: support@varo.comVaro Spain
Our sister company, Varo Iberica Bricolage, was established in 2001 to guarantee the presence of our brands in Spain and Portugal.
Les Corts 26
Pol. Ind Les Corts
08349 Cabrera de Mar
If you wish to receive more information about our devices, you can always reach us by telephone or by e-mail.
+34 93 759 77 84 Product info: Shanghai
Our experts in Shanghai subject our products to extensive quality control processes. They speak the language and have direct contact with the suppliers. They keep a watchful eye on the Chinese production and only allow our products to be shipped after a positive factory inspection.
Gateway International Plaza
Room 2601-02
Tian Yao Qiao Road 325
Xuhui Qu
20030 Shanghai - China P.R.C.